Simultaneous Translation
Audio Systems
Multi-lingual meetings and conferences require special handling. You can count on Atlantic Alarm & Sound's expertise in providing technical and language services to seamlessly integrate interpretation into your event or meeting. We have a range of simultaneous interpretation equipment to fit every kind of assembly.
What is a Simultaneous Translation System?
A simultaneous translation system is a unique configuration of conference electronics that allow a conversation to be heard in several different languages “simultaneously”. If this equipment is not being used, conferences needing language interpretation must rely on “consecutive” interpretation in which the interpreter repeats everything the speaker says every few sentences. In other words, without simultaneous interpretation equipment, your session will take twice as long.
- Courtrooms
- Teleconferences
- Educational Facilities
- Houses of Worship
- Travel/Hospitality Industry
- Entertainment/Attractions
- Meetings & Conventions
We offer a package which is ideal for courtrooms that may be required to translate up to four languages simultaneously. Participants wear a body-pack style receiver to listen to the language of their choice. They can sit anywhere in the seating area and can adjust the volume to meet their comfort level. For the hearing impaired participant, a receiver can be used to amplify the participants hearing aid. Infrared technology ensures privacy and security and the message of the proceeding will not travel outside the walls of the courtroom.
Hotels, conference centers, conventions, corporate meeting rooms – all have the challenge of catering to large businesses and groups that speak multiple languages. In addition to providing language interpretation services, they also need to be able to provide hearing assistance, especially with the growing demand to meet new government accessibility requirements.
Our experienced staff will work with you to determine the optimal technical scenario for your interpretation requirements. Contact an Atlantic Alarm & Sound sales representative for more information.
Do not overload electrical sockets. Unplug items when they are not in use.